Friday, December 19, 2008

clothing advertisement: film

i took this picture planning on advertising the dress, but i feel that it better showcases the scarf. i think the pose is somewhat high-fashion, but i wish that the print turned out better, as the film turned out really good. plus, it doesn't look as good scanned.

the second picture is posted more for fun, it was an alternate shot that advertises the dress better (it looks like she's having fun too), but the print itself was a bit blurry and darker than i would like.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

tv show, color/digital

this is my least favorite of the assignment. i had a really cool idea for a teenage drama about a guy who couldn't decide between two girls and one got hurt and so on....but i could not find enough models.
my 'new' drama is about a single father who finds out that his teenage daughter ran away. he appears frustrated, but is also worried, he remembers times when he had a better relationship with her.
i saturated this picture a little and took some of the shine out of his face. i wanted the picture kind of dark so it resembled a teenage drama.

black and white digital: political

i think that there are a lot of issues and controversy that drug and alcohol-related problems create in our society. i took this picture to represent the way a drug user or alcoholic must feel after rough times during their life. even though lots may be going on around them, they feel stuck in their own time, so i decided to put my model in a whirlpool with newspapers to show this. they also feel alone and empty, so basically i went for a lot of symbolism, which may not convey my message as strongly, but i think it is pretty decent in my mind.
i could made this image stronger with more contrast, but i do think that there are enough tones from black to white.

Friday, December 12, 2008


The photo i took of the crystal glass is interesting because of the detail it has and contrast in the textured areas. i like the composition of the photo, but i think it could be better.
My tree photo has lots of intricacy and i like the contrast and movement of it. i wish it showed more depth though.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

these are my three winter, color images. in the first one i lightened everything and chose to take the picture while the sun was about to go down because i liked the way the light was reflected from the snow and makes it look a bit yellow.
my second and third photos look a bit like there is a candle light and i like that. their focal points are exaggerated by the source of light, but they are still able to convey cool tones overall. i like the composition and colors i used, but i would like them to have better contrast. that's all right now.

Friday, December 5, 2008

In this image I used backlighting to strengthen

the tree's branches as focal points. i took it close up to capture the detail. On Photoshop I color balanced it.

For all of my images I used advice/tips from a website and magazines.

i took this picture to showcase my step-dad's

personality as well as the texture of his had. i edited the whites of his eyes and color balanced to image to improve it. i wanted it to be more of a macro portrait too.

snow white

The technique i used for this photo was all about people in their natural environment. I took this picture of someone who enjoys dressing up, but can also be shy at times. i color balanced it and edited some of the background as well. I also like that the snow and 'snow white' correlate.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Monday, November 17, 2008


this image is representative of my 'analyzing qualities.' just like the image shows, things can be looked at both as complex and simple at the same time. the lighting came from the left side of the picture and creates a gradient as the eye moves from the left to right. i didn't do a lot to this picture except cropping it while in photoshop.


this picture could represent one of two things about me. what i was trying to get out of this photo was stubbornness, but i also got a longing feeling out of it at the same time. i think that both the colors and lighting used help symbolize what i was going for. i used a studio kind of lighting(hallogen?) to create a focus on my model. I also chose a green shirt to contrast the white background. I like that there is texture that is not too distracting, but brings movement and is less boring than a traditional solid color.

Friday, November 14, 2008


this picture is the 2nd in my series. it is representing the part of me that is inspired and idealistic. sometimes it is nice to be an optimist, but too much of this at one time can also be one of my downfalls. i think that sometimes i get my hopes up too much or find myself longing for something that may never happen. luckily, keeping an open mind can also bring strong imagination.


my first photo representative of strength and leadership. my whole project is symbolic of a weak, and a strong trait that i carry, as well as two that can be taken both ways (beneficial and disadvantageous). 
like i said, this photo is supposed to be strong, which is why i chose red; it especially stands out with the highly-contrasted green background. i edited a lot of the background as well as "upped" the saturation.


Sunday, November 2, 2008


i originally wanted to do some holgas involving strobe lights; after numerous attempts at this, i decided that using the fireworks setting on a digital camera would be much more beneficial. these are some of the things i have come up with.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Montage #2

This montage is more in-touch with nature. I used paint and both digital and darkroom photos again. I also added a woven magazine picture of a butterfly and something abstract.

Montage #1

I wanted this compilation to showcase an urban and individual feel. I used paint, both darkroom and digital photography as well as image transfers to do this. I photographed up-close parts of each one so you can see it more easily.

Artist Emulation: Annie Leibovitz

I took these pictures to emulate the imaginitive and glamorous style of Annie Leibovitz.

I edited skin tone and upped the contrast on the picture on the right. Please tell me what you think! Thanks.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

i found this old picture....

i was looking through pictures i took this summer and i found one of those 'accident' pictures. i think it would be really cool for night photography.

Friday, September 26, 2008

night photography #2

here is another

night image. my car's hazards were on and then i added a little more movement.

My Night Photography #1

i took this picture of my washing machine's lights and i liked the way it turned out.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

in the morning....

this is a picture of the morning glories in my backyard. they only stay open when it is sunny out, so i was lucky to have good lighting that afternoon.

first picture!

this is the first photograph i developed and everything. i attempted to burn the edges near the scarf, but apparently did not do that enough since it's still pretty white. comment if you want!