Friday, November 14, 2008


my first photo representative of strength and leadership. my whole project is symbolic of a weak, and a strong trait that i carry, as well as two that can be taken both ways (beneficial and disadvantageous). 
like i said, this photo is supposed to be strong, which is why i chose red; it especially stands out with the highly-contrasted green background. i edited a lot of the background as well as "upped" the saturation.



CMG said...

You have a great start, but (as you stated) always remember that the background is just as important as the foreground in photography. The saturation being pumped up does help. Lets see what the rest of your series looks like!

Anonymous said...

i like the first three as a series, i think they tie together, but i think that the fourth one, or the one of the girl with the red dress dosent really fit in. I think that as cmg said, the background is key too and that since the other three are indoor, and have indoor backgrounds, and lighting, that it dosen't make too much sense for the forth one to be outside.