Tuesday, January 27, 2009

final: Emotional Psychology

My photographs represent the emotion that can be found in a psychological matter. Therefore, I titled my pieces according to the moods that people feel and relate to in everyday life. I hope to earn a degree in psychology and thought that this would be way to incorporate “me” into my artwork. Each photograph was taken in a similar setting as a way for me to unify my exhibit. I also used color to symbolize what each picture meant to me. My editing simply consisted of color balancing, heightening contrast, and fixing any apparent blemishes. My piece titled “Intimacy” portrays the way many people long for something or someone. The pink necklace is a subtle version of obvious color symbolism. In “Repression” I really wanted to emphasize the built up feelings that are kept inside of a person. My model is struggling to express her feelings, but also wants to let go of them. “Narcissism” is arrogance taken to the next level, and can be a big problem in the lives of some. When self-love and the lack of consideration of others are combined, a person starts to become unhappy with who they truly are. My photograph representing “Altruism” gives off daring vibes. Without even measuring consequences, one may not see the dangers they can put themselves in. Finally, “Ambiguity” reflects the way that decisions play into one’s life. Choices are made everyday and uncertainty is often tied in with one’s anxieties. I am mostly pleased with my work and I hope you can relate to what you have seen, if not formed your own interpretation!
Thanks to models: Michael S, Ashley B, Lenny J, Haley FM, Greg N

Thursday, January 15, 2009

this week's assignment: back of my head

i like the way that my living room image looks like it is from my head's point of view. the composition isn't the greatest, but it kind of makes sense in this case. in my other photo, i was experimenting with lighting on my hair, and also the angle i took the picture from. i wanted it to look like i was going down the stairs (i was). plus, i like the way you can see into other rooms. that's about it for these.

this week's assignment: flashlight

my flashlight pictures have obvious focal points because my flashlight is not very strong, but i tried to make that a good thing.... in my orangeish image, i took a picture of those candles that are suspended/connected on a string (can't remember what they're called). I like the lighting gradient, but i suppose it could also be a bit boring. my other image is a "macro" of a sweater. i like that there is texture and that the lighting runs on a diagonal. there are also little bits of color in the fabric that i like.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

This Week's Assignment: My Favorite Color

I really like the color red. I think that it has the ability to be strong and soft at the same time. It can represent love, blood, or independence, it just depends. I took this picture because the flower thing (?) reflected lots of light and also has orangish highlights. I like the composition for the most part.

this week's assignment: 5 of the Same

i decided to take pictures of candles, mostly because we have a lot of different kinds, but also because most of them were in well-lit spots in our house and were melted into interesting shapes. i really liked how the greenish one with the match turned out. i tried to get a few different angles and lighting of the candles as well.